Monday, July 8, 2024



On 5/4/24, I was lying on a beach in Costa Rica reveling in the fact that I had “manifested” that dream by believing that I would be someday be there. 

“Manifesting.”…….However we state it, the result is the same, right? 

“She thought she could, so she did.” 

“Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.”– Maya Angelou

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” – Albert Einstein

“Once you make a decision, The Universe conspires to make it happen.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

So, I sat on the beach that day watching monkeys, drinking mojitos, writing, listening to music, and meeting new friends. Heaven.

Since that day, I’ve contributed to a “Manifesting journal” periodically. Today, I added an entry that summarizes what I believe that most every human wants most in life.


I bought a new car today. I’ve been thinking about it/looking online randomly for the past several months. Saturday, I found the car that I wanted to actually drive to Atlanta to test drive. I called the dealer to confirm that it was on the lot. Chad, the sales agent, confirmed, and I told him that I would be there in an hour. 

I drove about 5 minutes, and then realized that I may need my title, so I turned around and retrieved it from my safe at home. That delay caused Chad to call me as I was about 5 minutes from the dealership, and I assured him that I was, in fact, coming! As I pulled up at the dealership, an elderly couple was standing on the sidewalk in front of the showroom doors. They smiled and waved as I drove by. As I opened my door and got out of my car, they approached me slowly. I smiled at them and said, “Hello.” The husband said, “We love your car!” as he gripped his wife’s hand. I said, “Yes, I do, too! I’m about to sell it, though!” He said, “How much do you want for it?” 

….”Ummm, I don’t know….I haven’t even looked up the value yet!” I replied. “Do you want to look at it?” I asked as I still had the door open. He looked at his wife, and she looked into his eyes, smiled and nodded. After they looked over the car, she said, “This is exactly what I wanted.” 

He smiled at me and nodded…”How much do you want for it? She wants it.” 

I pulled up and gave him the value range, and we landed in the middle. I told him that I needed to go and let Chad know that I was there, so I walked up to the showroom door where Chad was watching the entire scene. I shook his hand and said, “I think I just sold my car. I’m going to need a ride!”  

We laughed, and Chad walked back to my car where I exchanged numbers with the couple as it was late afternoon on a Saturday, and there were no banks open. 

As Chad and I walked to the car that I was there to test drive, we exchanged incredulous comments about what just happened….

“That will never happen.” Chad said. “They are in here all the time. They never buy anything.”

I said, “I dunno, Chad…..I believe that everything happens for a reason, and I have been asking all the way here for this transaction to be stopped if it was not mine.” Having a couple walk up to my car and make an offer on my car immediately after pulling into the parking space seemed like a pretty strong sign that I was going to buy a car. And, also…that the couple was placed there to “bless that ‘yes’.”

We slid into this little sporty car that I was already feeling excited about, and Chad says, “O.K….let’s have fun. When was the last time that you drove a sports car?!” 

“Well, my first car was a Honda Prelude (anybody remember that model?!), but that’s as close as I got to a sports car!” 

“Wellllllll, then……you’re about to let the horses run! Turn right. Remember ‘Pretty Woman’ when she says it must ‘corner like it’s on rails’?!  You’re going to do THAT!” 

“Chad…..the speed limit is 30.” 

“Sherie….I sell sports cars. Turn right, and I’VE GOT YOU.” 


Much laughter and squeals later, I, like a lamb headed to the slaughter, 😂 willingly walked to his desk where we started paperwork. Yet, I still had the couple lingering out there as a question as to whether or not they were actually going to buy my car. I couldn’t take possession of my new car and also leave my car in the lot, so I decided that I would have to wait until Monday. 

On Sunday, I called the couple just to check in on their level of interest, and Mr. M said, “Yes, of course! We will be there in Monroe at the bank first thing in the morning.” 

“Well, Mr. M, I actually loved the car that I test drove, so I am going to come back to that area on Monday morning to purchase, and I can meet you at your bank there.” 

I had a 10:00 a.m. virtual call, so I drove to the bank early to conduct the call from the parking lot. I told Mr. M that I would meet them at 11:00 once my call was complete, and I watched them pull up at 10:30 a.m. They smiled and waved at me in my car on my call as they went into the bank holding hands to get a cashier’s check. At 11:00 a.m., I got out of my car and greeted them in the parking lot. I asked them if they would like to ride in the car first before purchase, and they agreed, so I suggested that we drive to my bank to deposit the check because, honestly, I still didn’t believe that this was real. We all got into my car, Mr. M opened the door for Mrs. M, and he sat in the back seat. As I drove, we began to share stories of our lives. 

They met when they were 9 and 11 years old. Their grandparents owned adjoining land in the mountains as they were growing up, and they met and fell in love. 9 and 11 years old, y’all! His family moved to Atlanta, and he came back several years later to retrieve his bride. She was the ripe age of 14. 

I drove and listened to their story, and I watched as he leaned forward from the backseat to reach his arms around the seat to where his bride was sitting. His right hand on her right shoulder. His left hand stroking strands of her hair. She looked peaceful as she smiled and reached her left hand up to meet his hand playing with her hair. 

I couldn’t help but exclaim, “Y’all are the SWEETEST.” Seriously. “Y’all have been in love since 9 and 11, and you can’t keep your hands off of each other! I LOVE IT.” 

They laughed and agreed. 

They continued to share about their life as I shared bits and pieces of mine. 

Mr. M answered a phone call and I took the opportunity to ask Mrs. M about her health as she kept mentioning it being in poor condition. She said, “Well, I have dementia, and I can’t really remember what else, but I think cancer.”

Mr. M ended his phone call, and I asked him, “Mr. M, what made you want to buy this car?”

“She wanted it.” he quickly replied. 

“I want that.” I said. “Y’all can’t keep your hands off of each other, and you care about each other’s comfort and joy…..after 60 years?!” They just beamed at each other. They said that it had been a good life. A hard life. All of the things….and, also, they had each other through it all.

This is all that any human wants, right?! ….to have that kind of loving feeling of peace and joy, and also holding a range of other emotions and frustrations….but commitment to each other. Absence of loneliness and emptiness. Presence of satisfaction of a life well-lived together. One that you’ve worked hard for. 

Based on the quote from my previous post, this is “What we are like.”……RIGHT?!

And, also, this was the REAL reason that this couple came into my life. They were the picture of what my heart desires. Coming into my life to reveal that so very clearly as I am in a place of conscious manifesting.

As we pulled back up at their bank, I exchanged seats with Mr. M and attempted to show him how to operate ALLLLLLLL of the buttons on the dashboard. He looked at me at some point during my “I dunno” lesson and said, “She writes music, you know.” 

Wide eyed, I looked at Mrs. M and said, “Do you sing, too?!” 

Her entire face lit up and immediately….without hesitation….. she began singing me a song that she had written. As I erupted in tears, my car salesman pulled up, and Mr. M decided that he needed to take a photo of us. (I’m still waiting for him to send it, but I couldn’t wait to write about it!) 


This kind of love. 

Selfless…Grateful….Mr. and Mrs. M inspired “Committed.”

Wait…What did I write in Costa Rica? 

Love, Adoration, Passion, Peace, Satisfaction. 

This is “What we are like.”  

We were made for relationship. 

At the beginning of time, God said it was "not good" for us to be alone. 

So, He gave us relationship.

My car sales guy, Chad, got out of his car and walked around to the passenger side to open the door for me. He shook his head all the way and said, “That just doesn’t happen. Ever. Was she singing to you?!” 

I just smiled. “It happens to me, Chad. You just have to ask. And, also, sometimes you don’t even know what you’re asking for. You just have to be ready to receive. You just have to be in a place of expecting that you are going to get the answers, people, experiences that you need when you need them because you’ve invited them.”


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